"This video depicts the typical life of an overseas Filipino and an overseas Filipino family searching for a gainful family life through remittances from abroad. This will enlighten the public about who are the country's major economic saviors and what sacrifices do they face."
Contact Ercof Philippines (www.ercof.org) at dbagasao.ercof@gmail.com, and at +63-02-9203610 (telefax)
OFW Awareness.Blogspot.Com is a site/blog created for Overseas Filipino Workers (or OFWS) awareness.
They are the ones considered as the modern day heroes of the Philippines. Our aim is not only to
post information about them but to provide awareness that our OFWs work outside their country
not only to aspire for greener pastures outside their homeland
for there are other things going on that the majority may not be aware of.
About Us
We are students from DLSU-Manila and this website is part of our project for Citizenship and Governance (or CITIGOV) class. The group project involves selecting
a national issue and our task is to raise awareness of the chosen issue. We the Government group chose to focus on the OFW issue.